304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Our story

Let’s Bring Change & Technological Advancement

Our Goals:

Search & Find

To identify 2 or 3 Healthcare IT startup ideas with a large potential for success on a national / region and potentially international level.


To help patients and the healthcare system in Jordan.


To further elevate Jordan economy and potential.


Increase revenue for both winning Product Inventors & Inventors

UI Design

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Web Design

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Graphic Design

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Our Innovative & Intuitive Program Approach

The main goal of our program is to tackle difficulties and challenges the Healthcare system in Jordan might be facing.

Health Information Exchange

sharing of patient data among healthcare providers, improving coordination of care.

Preventive Care Programs

Investing in preventive healthcare programs can help reduce the burden of chronic diseases and promote healthier lifestyles among the population.

Public-Private Partnerships

Collaboration between the government, private sector, and international organizations can help alleviate resource constraints and expand healthcare access.

Innovation Hubs

Establishing innovation hubs or healthcare IT incubators can support the development of innovative healthcare technologies and startups.

Digital Health Solutions

Investing in digital health solutions, including mobile apps and wearable devices, can empower patients to manage their health and provide data for healthcare professionals.

Community Health Initiatives

Engaging communities in health promotion and education can improve overall health outcomes and reduce the strain on healthcare facilities.

Our Team

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Andy Newman


Alicia Keys

Marketing Director

Mike Divor


Patricia Ralph


Nick Zele


Amanda Grey

PR Management

Greg Silmer


Rossa Pelmar


Healthcare IT incubator program

We are committed to providing a structured environment where early-stage healthcare IT companies can receive mentorship, funding, resources, and networking opportunities to help them grow and succeed.